Maggie and Jack
Maggie’s two-year-old, 60-pound mixed breed dog, Jack, began arbitrarily lunging at people and other dogs, while walking on and off leash. Sometimes he would try to bite. It didn’t happen all the time, and it could occur even with dogs Jack had played with before. Naturally, Maggie became more and more anxious while she walked him.
I connected with Jack, and instantly felt his anxiety. I asked Maggie if she was anxious in any part of her life. She said no, that in fact she was in the best place of her life. She was teaching a meditation class and studying energy medicine.
As our conversation opened more, Maggie told me that her husband was very closed-minded and would ridicule and question the value of her new path. He would roll his eyes, which made Maggie feel very small and intimidated. This was devastating to Maggie. and so she shared less of her true self with her husband.
So how does this connect to Jack?
Jack was feeling Maggie’s spirit shrinking. He felt he had to protect her, which came out as aggression. Jack was showing her a valuable lesson: she needed to release the pattern that was preventing her from being her true self.
The next step was for Maggie to engage in a soul retrieval, which she embraced. Maggie took copious notes and began applying what she had discovered through the soul retrieval into her everyday life.
She diligently did her homework and used all the tools I gave her. She released her anxiety and found her true inner strength. She was able to share her feelings with her husband, and while he may not share her beliefs, he stopped rolling his eyes, and she was no longer dissuaded from speaking her truth.
Within a few weeks, Maggie called to say that Jack had stopped lunging. More important, she is now comfortable talking to people about what’s in her heart!