Kiki, a kitten, was a gift to a young boy from his mother and father. The boy, Tom, adored his cat, and she adored him. After graduating from high school, Tom attended college then moved away, while Kiki stayed with his parents.
Tom’s mom, Michelle, was afraid of Kiki, so she received little attention. When Kiki began urinating outside her litter box, it made Michelle resent her more. That’s when she contacted me to ask if I knew someone who might take the cat.
I did not know what the outcome would or should be, but I knew there were unspoken feelings that needed to come out. I suggested she write a letter to Kiki explaining her feelings.
Two weeks later, Michelle wrote me back. The experience of writing the letter had been a profound experience for her. She unlocked feelings deep within and cried intensely. She spoke with her husband about how she felt, and then to each of her two sons.
Michelle had always felt that she should act strong, so she never cried in front of her children, but she opened up to everyone in a way she had not done before.
Her other son, Bill, had just completed a drug detox program, and as she was crying, Bill began to cry too. He opened up to her, admitting how lonely he was and that he wanted Kiki to live with him.
This dynamic of the family shifted and became more vulnerable, honest, and loving. It was a ripple effect that started with a cat who had been neglected. Kiki’s presence and the connection to her soul changed Michelle and the relationships of the entire family.